School Bus Safety
Safety Is Our Number One Priority.Riding The School Bus Is A Privilege, Not A Right!
The school day begins at the bus stop and continues through the end of the bus ride home. The classroom extends to the bus stop and onto the bus. Poor conduct is not tolerated in the classroom nor will it be tolerated on the bus. Inappropriate behavior on the bus will result in loss of the bus riding privilege.
Appropriate Bus Conduct
Stay out of the DANGER ZONES outside the bus. If you can touch the bus, you are too close. The DANGER ZONE is an area within ten feet of the bus in all directions.
Follow driver’s instructions. The driver is the adult in charge of the bus. There may be an adult aide assigned to the bus to assist the driver in maintaining order on the bus. This person carries the same authority as the driver.
Be on time. You must be at your bus stop five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. If the bus arrives on time, the driver will stop, look up and down the street for students, and leave if none are at the corner or coming to the corner. If you miss the bus it is your responsibility to find a way to school.
Always sit down. Your personal safety as well as the safety of others is at risk if you should stand while the bus is moving. You must remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop at school or at your corner.
Be courteous. No fighting, swearing, or yelling. Fighting and swearing may be cause for suspension from school or the loss of the bus riding privileges. There is ZERO tolerance of violence. Violence includes physical and verbal attacks and intimidation, or threats. This policy includes the time spent on the bus and at the bus stop.
No eating or drinking. Food and beverages create garbage on the bus, and it is not fair that other students should have to sit on a messy bus. There is also a possibility that eating or drinking on the bus could result in choking.
Keep your bus clean. Nobody should have to ride on a bus that is messy or filled with trash. Each student shares a responsibility to keep the bus clean. Any repair costs due to willful damage or acts of vandalism will be billed to the student responsible for the damage.
Keep your head and arms inside the bus windows. This is just common sense. It only takes a second to incur an injury that could mean permanent disability or even death. Remember that throwing objects out of the windows or yelling at people outside the bus are not acceptable.
No pets or dangerous objects. No animals of any kind are allowed on the bus with the exception of guide dogs. Dangerous objects are anything that could cause an injury if mishandled. Other items, such as skateboards, are not allowed on the bus. These include any object that could be used as a weapon.
Cigarettes and e-cigarettes are strictly prohibited from our vehicles.
Students – Stay Out Of The Danger Zones!
School Bus Danger Zones
It is very important that students avoid walking within 10 feet of the bus on all sides, especially the front, and the right rear of the bus. If you cannot see the bus driver, the bus driver cannot see you. Be safe!

Loading & Exiting The Bus
Since most serious student injuries occur just prior to loading or just after exiting the school bus, certain precautions must be taken to ensure safety. The DANGER ZONE is the area within ten feet of the bus in any direction. Students who are walking through or standing in the DANGER ZONE are very likely to be outside of the bus driver’s field of vision. It is important to stay out of the DANGER ZONE in order to be seen by the driver. Students who must cross the street after exiting the bus need to be aware of the hazards presented by other vehicles which that might fail to stop for the bus.
If you CAN see the driver’s eyes, the driver CAN see you!
Correct Procedures For Loading At Bus Stops Are As Follows:
Wait until the bus comes to a full stop.
Form a single line.
Don’t crowd or push.
Use the handrail.
Take the steps one at a time.
Go straight to your seat.
Stay in that seat until the bus arrives at school.
Don’t Go Back For a Dropped Item – Tell The Driver!
Procedures For Exiting The Bus Are As Follows:
Wait until the bus is completely stopped at your bus stop or at the school.
Stand up and go straight to the front of the bus.
Don’t crowd or push, wait your turn.
Use the handrail.
Take the steps one at a time.
Move away from the bus (get out of the DANGER ZONE).
Tell the Driver You Need to Cross
The Procedure For Safe Street Crossing In Front Of The Bus:
After exiting the bus move directly to the sidewalk and out of the DANGER ZONE.
Move forward of the bus to a spot about ten feet ahead of the front bumper.
Turn back to look at the bus driver and make eye contact.
When the driver gives the signal, cross the street while checking continuously for oncoming vehicles.
Upon reaching the far edge of the bus, take a look back to the rear of the bus to be sure no vehicles are passing the bus and running through the stop arm.
After reaching the opposite side of the street, move onto the sidewalk and proceed directly home.
Note: When students cross in front of the bus, the 8-way warning lights and STOP arm will be activated. If you are unsure about where to cross the street, ask the driver to explain.
Horn Means Go Back To The Side Of The Road Where You Started From.